Have a rummage...

Friday, 24 August 2012

Darkest Africa 11: First time, chance?

On the third day of the month of separation, Sha'ban, 1281*, my master did venture into Zanj, travelling as far east as possible in order to avoid those wretched northern slavers.  

This saw him enter those regions claimed by the Ruga-Ruga; as such, my master prepared for possible ambush by them.   To the left flank of our caravan was kept a mighty river, the width of which was certain to be greater than any missile which the Ruga-Ruga might throw at use.  However, this meant the path we took was  amost narrow one, and our force risked becomign stuck if a great obstacle were to reveal itself.  As such, Qurd and One-Eyed Abdullahi nimbly wove their way through the undergrowth that lay ahead.  In so doing, they soon revealed parties of Ruga-Ruga waiting to pounce.  Our noble swordsmen were at the caravan's head, and therefore unsheathed their blades and strode forth to do our enemy much mischief!  Pressing forward, they enabled the rest of our askari and baggage to progress unimpeded, although the Ruga-Ruga often came perilously close indeed, too close for comfort indeed.

Nevertheless, our baggage and force came through with little loss (especially compared to recent engagaments).  Victory at last!

*Early 1865

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